

Qur'an Khanee, Du'a Iftitah, Health Talk & Majlis
Saturday, 16th Mar 2024 6:10 PM - 7:10 PM

6:15pm Opening Zaheer Nurmohd Iftaar Provided
6:21pm Salatul Jama'ah
6:40pm Iftaar
7:10pm Clearing
7:30pm Qu'ran Khani and Clearing
7:50pm Du'a al-Iftitah Mohamedraza Kanji
8:10pm Health Talk | Al Mahdi Health Committee
8:20pm Announcements
8:25pm Majlis - Haj Mustafa Masood
9:05pm Ziyarat
Ladies All Night Ibadat Night at Al Mahdi Centre
Starts once the men have vacated the building after the main WJ Iftar programme until Fajr Salah